Importance of PH Balance

Our Company

For more than 30 years, large corporations have monopolized the professional hair care industry, sacrificing product integrity for mass marketing, branding, distribution and diversion into major retailers. Today, one hair care company is going back to the industry’s roots – to a time when protecting your hair and stylist’s work came first.

For the past 17 years, Soma has combined its grassroots philosophies with modern innovations to develop and deliver a full range of authentic hair cleansing, conditioning, styling and finishing products of superior quality. At Soma Hair Technology, we understand the complexities of hair and offer our clients honest-to-goodness haircare products!

Our Products

For the past 17 years, Soma has combined its grassroots philosophies with modern innovations to develop and deliver a full range of authentic hair cleansing, conditioning, styling and finishing products of superior quality.

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